N Fet Transistor

  • This is also called as IGFET meaning Insulated Gate Field Effect Transistor. The FET is operated in both depletion and enhancement modes of operation.
  • An N-Channel MOSFET is made up of an N channel, which is a channel composed of a majority of electron current carriers. The gate terminals are made up of P material. Depending on the voltage quantity and type (negative or positive) determines how the transistor operates whether it turns on or off. How an N-Channel Enhancement type MOSFET Works.
  1. Fet Transistor Symbol
  2. Fet Field Effect Transistor
  3. Fet Transistor Circuits

The FET has several advantages over conventional transistor. In a conventional transistor, the operation depends upon the flow of majority and minority carriers. N+ n + L S D p Electron inversion layer G SD. Transistor – 01% ˘.˝.

In this tutorial, we will have a brief introduction to MOSFET i.e., the Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor. We will learn about different types of MOSFET (Enhancement and Depletion), its internal structure, an example circuit using MOSFET as a Switch and a few common applications.


Transistors, the invention that changed the World. They are semiconductor devices that act as either an electrically controlled switch or a signal amplifier. Transistors come a variety of shapes, sizes and designs but essentially, all transistors fall under two major families. They are:

  • Bipolar Junction Transistors or BJT
  • Field Effect Transistors or FET

To learn more about a basics of transistor and its history, read the Introduction to Transistors tutorial.

There are two main differences between BJT and FET. The first difference is that in BJT, both the majority and minority charge carriers are responsible for current conduction whereas in FETs, only the majority charge carriers are involved.

Fet Transistor Symbol

The other and very important difference is that a BJT is essentially a current controlled device meaning the current at the base of the transistor determines the amount of current flowing between collector and emitter. In case of a FET, the voltage at the Gate (a terminal in FET equivalent to Base in BJT) determines the current flow between the other two terminals.

FETs are again divided into two types:

  • Junction Field Effect Transistor or JFET
  • Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor or MOSFET

Let us focus on MOSFET in this tutorial.

Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET

The Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) is one type of FET transistor. In these transistors, the gate terminal is electrically insulated from the current carrying channel so that it is also called as Insulated Gate FET (IG-FET). Due to the insulation between gate and source terminals, the input resistance of MOSFET may be very high such (usually in the order of 1014 ohms.

Like JFET, the MOSFET also acts as a voltage controlled resistor when no current flows into the gate terminal. The small voltage at the gate terminal controls the current flow through the channel between the source and drain terminals. In present days, the MOSFET transistors are mostly used in the electronic circuit applications instead of the JFET.

MOSFETs also have three terminals, namely Drain (D), Source (S) and Gate (G) and also one more (optional) terminal called substrate or Body (B). MOSFETs are also available in both types, N-channel (NMOS) and P-channel (PMOS). MOSFETs are basically classified in to two forms. They are:

  • Depletion Type
  • Enhancement Type
Channel Construction of MOSFET

Depletion Type

The depletion type MOSFET transistor is equivalent to a “normally closed” switch. The depletion type of transistors requires gate – source voltage (VGS) to switch OFF the device.

The symbols for depletion mode of MOSFETs in both N-channel and P-channel types are shown above. In the above symbols, we can observe that the fourth terminal (substrate) is connected to the ground, but in discrete MOSFETs it is connected to source terminal. The continuous thick line connected between the drain and source terminal represents the depletion type. The arrow symbol indicates the type of channel, such as N-channel or P-channel.

In this type of MOSFETs a thin layer of silicon is deposited below the gate terminal. The depletion mode MOSFET transistors are generally ON at zero gate-source voltage (VGS). The conductivity of the channel in depletion MOSFETs is less compared to the enhancement type of MOSFETs.

Enhancement Type

The Enhancement mode MOSFET is equivalent to “Normally Open” switch and these types of transistors require a gate-source voltage to switch ON the device. The symbols of both N-channel and P-channel enhancement mode MOSFETs are shown below.

Here, we can observe that a broken line is connected between the source and drain, which represents the enhancement mode type. In enhancement mode MOSFETs, the conductivity increases by increasing the oxide layer, which adds the carriers to the channel.

Generally, this oxide layer is called as ‘Inversion layer’. The channel is formed between the drain and source in the opposite type to the substrate, such as N-channel is made with a P-type substrate and P-channel is made with an N-type substrate. The conductivity of the channel due to electrons or holes depends on N-type or P-type channel respectively.

Structure of MOSFET

The basic structure of the MOSFET is shown in the above figure. The construction of the MOSFET is very different when compared to the construction of the JFET. In both enhancement and depletion modes of MOSFETs, an electric field is produced by gate voltage, which changes the flow charge carriers, such as electrons for N-channel and holes for P-channel.

Here, we can observe that the gate terminal is situated on top of thin metal oxide insulated layer and two N-type regions are used below the drain and source terminals.

In the above MOSFET structure, the channel between drain and source is an N-type, which is formed opposite to the P-type substrate. It is easy to bias the MOSFET gate terminal for the polarities of either positive (+ve) or negative (-ve).

If there is no bias at the gate terminal, then the MOSFET is generally in non-conducting state so that these MOSFETs are used to make switches and logic gates. Both the depletion and enhancement modes of MOSFETs are available in N-channel and P-channel types.

Depletion Mode

The depletion mode MOSFETs are generally known as ‘Switched ON’ devices, because these transistors are generally closed when there is no bias voltage at the gate terminal. If the gate voltage increases in positive, then the channel width increases in depletion mode.

As a result the drain current ID through the channel increases. If the applied gate voltage more negative, then the channel width is very less and MOSFET may enter into the cutoff region. The depletion mode MOSFET is a rarely used type of transistor in the electronic circuits.

The following graph shows the Characteristic Curve of Depletion Mode MOSFET.

The V-I characteristics of the depletion mode MOSFET transistor are given above. This characteristic mainly gives the relationship between drain- source voltage (VDS) and drain current (ID). The small voltage at the gate controls the current flow through the channel.

The channel between drain and source acts as a good conductor with zero bias voltage at gate terminal. The channel width and drain current increases if the gate voltage is positive and these two (channel width and drain current) decreases if the gate voltage is negative.

Enhancement Mode

The Enhancement mode MOSFET is commonly used type of transistor. This type of MOSFET is equivalent to normally-open switch because it does not conduct when the gate voltage is zero. If the positive voltage (+VGS) is applied to the N-channel gate terminal, then the channel conducts and the drain current flows through the channel.

If this bias voltage increases to more positive then channel width and drain current through the channel increases to some more. But if the bias voltage is zero or negative (-VGS) then the transistor may switch OFF and the channel is in non-conductive state. So now we can say that the gate voltage of enhancement mode MOSFET enhances the channel.

Enhancement mode MOSFET transistors are mostly used as switches in electronic circuits because of their low ON resistance and high OFF resistance and also because of their high gate resistance. These transistors are used to make logic gates and in power switching circuits, such as CMOS gates, which have both NMOS and PMOS Transistors.

The V-I characteristics of enhancement mode MOSFET are shown above which gives the relationship between the drain current (ID) and the drain-source voltage (VDS). From the above figure we observed the behavior of an enhancement MOSFET in different regions, such as ohmic, saturation and cut-off regions.

MOSFET transistors are made with different semiconductor materials. These MOSFETs have the ability to operate in both conductive and non-conductive modes depending on the bias voltage at the input. This ability of MOSFET makes it to use in switching and amplification.

N-Channel MOSFET Amplifier

When compared to BJTs, MOSFETs have very low transconductance, which means the voltage gain will not be large. Hence, MOSFETs (for that matter, all FETs) are generally not used in amplifier circuits.

But, none the less, let us see a single-stage ‘class A’ amplifier circuit using N-Channel Enhancement MOSFET. The N-channel enhancement mode MOSFET with common source configuration is the mainly used type of amplifier circuit than others. The depletion mode MOSFET amplifiers are very similar to the JFET amplifiers.

The input resistance of the MOSFET is controlled by the gate bias resistance which is generated by the input resistors. The output signal of this amplifier circuit is inverted because when the gate voltage (VG) is high the transistor is switched ON and when the voltage (VG) is low then the transistor is switched OFF.

The general MOSFET amplifier with common source configuration is shown above. This is an amplifier of class A mode. Here the voltage divider network is formed by the input resistors R1 and R2 and the input resistance for the AC signal is given as Rin = RG = 1MΩ.

The equations to calculate the gate voltage and drain current for the above amplifier circuit are given below.

VG = (R2 / (R1 + R2))*VDD



VG = gate voltage

VS = input source voltage

VDD = supply voltage at drain

RS = source resistance

R1 & R2 = input resistors

The different regions in which the MOSFET operates in their total operation are discussed below.

Cut-off Region: If the gate-source voltage is less than the threshold voltage then we say that the transistor is operating in the cut-off region (i.e. fully OFF). In this region drain current is zero and the transistor acts as an open circuit.

VGS < VTH => IDS = 0

Ohmic (Linear) Region: If the gate voltage is greater than threshold voltage and the drain-source voltage lies between VTH and (VGS – VTH) then we say that the transistor is in linear region and at this state the transistor acts as a variable resistor.

VGS > VTH and VTH < VDS < (VGSVGS – VTH) => MOSFET acts as a variable Resistor

Saturation Region: In this region the gate voltage is much greater than threshold voltage and the drain current is at its maximum value and the transistor is in fully ON state. In this region the transistor acts as a closed circuit.

VGS >> VTH and (VGS – VTH) < VDS < 2(VGS – VTH) => IDS = Maximum

The gate voltage at which the transistor ON and starts the current flow through the channel is called threshold voltage. This threshold voltage value range for N-channel devices is in between 0.5V to 0.7V and for P-channel devices is in between -0.5V to -0.8V.

Fet transistor circuits

The behavior of a MOSFET transistor in depletion and enhancement modes depending on the gate voltage is summarized as follows.

N Fet Transistor
VGS = +ve
VGS = 0
VGS = -ve
N-Channel Depletion
N-Channel Enhancement
P-Channel Depletion
P-Channel Enhancement


  • MOSFETs are used in digital integrated circuits, such as microprocessors.
  • Used in calculators.
  • Used in memories and in logic CMOS gates.
  • Used as analog switches.
  • Used as amplifiers.
  • Used in the applications of power electronics and switch mode power supplies.
  • MOSFETs are used as oscillators in radio systems.
  • Used in automobile sound systems and in sound reinforcement systems.


A complete beginner’s guide to introduction of MOSFET. You learned the structure of a MOSFET, different types of MOSFET, their circuit symbols, an example circuit using a MOSFET to control an LED and also few areas of applications.

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Field-effect transistor
'FET' redirects here. For other uses, see FET (disambiguation).
High-power N-channel field-effect transistor

The field-effect transistor (FET) is a transistor that relies on an electric field to control the shape and hence the conductivity of a channel of one type of charge carrier in a semiconductor material. FETs are sometimes called unipolar transistors to contrast their single-carrier-type operation with the dual-carrier-type operation of bipolar (junction) transistors (BJT). The concept of the FET predates the BJT, though it was not physically implemented until after BJTs due to the limitations of semiconductor materials and the relative ease of manufacturing BJTs compared to FETs at the time.



The principle of field-effect transistors was first patented by Julius Edgar Lilienfeld in 1925 and by Oskar Heil in 1934, but practical semi-conducting devices (the JFET, junction gate field-effect transistor) were only developed much later after the transistor effect was observed and explained by the team of William Shockley at Bell Labs in 1947. The MOSFET (metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor), which largely superseded the JFET and had a more profound effect on electronic development, was first proposed by Dawon Kahng in 1960.[1]

Basic information

FETs are majority-charge-carrier devices. The device consists of an active channel through which majority charge carriers, electrons or holes, flow from the source to the drain. Source and drain terminal conductors are connected to semiconductor through ohmic contacts. Wintec port devices driver. The conductivity of the channel is a function of potential applied to the gate.[2][3]

The FET's three terminals are:[4]

  • Source (S), through which the majority carriers enter the channel. Conventional current entering the channel at S is designated by IS.
  • Drain (D), through which the majority carriers leave the channel. Conventional current entering the channel at D is designated by ID. Drain to Source voltage is VDS.
  • Gate (G), the terminal that modulates the channel conductivity. By applying voltage to G, one can control ID.

More about terminals

Cross section of an n-type MOSFET

All FETs have gate, drain, and source terminals that correspond roughly to the base, collector, and emitter of BJTs. Most FETs also have a fourth terminal called the body, base, bulk, or substrate. This fourth terminal serves to bias the transistor into operation; it is rare to make non-trivial use of the body terminal in circuit designs, but its presence is important when setting up the physical layout of an integrated circuit. The size of the gate, length L in the diagram, is the distance between source and drain. The width is the extension of the transistor, in the diagram perpendicular to the cross section. Typically the width is much larger than the length of the gate. A gate length of 1 µm limits the upper frequency to about 5 GHz, 0.2 µm to about 30 GHz. Also, FET's Are less used than Bipolar transistors.

The names of the terminals refer to their functions. The gate terminal may be thought of as controlling the opening and closing of a physical gate. This gate permits electrons to flow through or blocks their passage by creating or eliminating a channel between the source and drain. Electrons flow from the source terminal towards the drain terminal if influenced by an applied voltage. The body simply refers to the bulk of the semiconductor in which the gate, source and drain lie. Usually the body terminal is connected to the highest or lowest voltage within the circuit, depending on type. The body terminal and the source terminal are sometimes connected together since the source is also sometimes connected to the highest or lowest voltage within the circuit, however there are several uses of FETs which do not have such a configuration, such as transmission gates and cascode circuits.

FET operation

I–V characteristics and output plot of a JFET n-channel transistor.

The FET controls the flow of electrons (or electron holes) from the source to drain by affecting the size and shape of a 'conductive channel' created and influenced by voltage (or lack of voltage) applied across the gate and source terminals (For ease of discussion, this assumes body and source are connected). This conductive channel is the 'stream' through which electrons flow from source to drain.

In an n-channel depletion-mode device, a negative gate-to-source voltage causes a depletion region to expand in width and encroach on the channel from the sides, narrowing the channel. If the depletion region expands to completely close the channel, the resistance of the channel from source to drain becomes large, and the FET is effectively turned off like a switch. Likewise a positive gate-to-source voltage increases the channel size and allows electrons to flow easily.

Conversely, in an n-channel enhancement-mode device, a positive gate-to-source voltage is necessary to create a conductive channel, since one does not exist naturally within the transistor. The positive voltage attracts free-floating electrons within the body towards the gate, forming a conductive channel. But first, enough electrons must be attracted near the gate to counter the dopant ions added to the body of the FET; this forms a region free of mobile carriers called a depletion region, and the phenomenon is referred to as the threshold voltage of the FET. Further gate-to-source voltage increase will attract even more electrons towards the gate which are able to create a conductive channel from source to drain; this process is called inversion.

For either enhancement- or depletion-mode devices, at drain-to-source voltages much less than gate-to-source voltages, changing the gate voltage will alter the channel resistance, and drain current will be proportional to drain voltage (referenced to source voltage). In this mode the FET operates like a variable resistor and the FET is said to be operating in a linear mode or ohmic mode.[5][6]

If drain-to-source voltage is increased, this creates a significant asymmetrical change in the shape of the channel due to a gradient of voltage potential from source to drain. The shape of the inversion region becomes 'pinched-off' near the drain end of the channel. If drain-to-source voltage is increased further, the pinch-off point of the channel begins to move away from the drain towards the source. The FET is said to be in saturation mode;[7] some authors refer to it as active mode, for a better analogy with bipolar transistor operating regions.[8][9] The saturation mode, or the region between ohmic and saturation, is used when amplification is needed. The in-between region is sometimes considered to be part of the ohmic or linear region, even where drain current is not approximately linear with drain voltage.

Even though the conductive channel formed by gate-to-source voltage no longer connects source to drain during saturation mode, carriers are not blocked from flowing. Considering again an n-channel device, a depletion region exists in the p-type body, surrounding the conductive channel and drain and source regions. The electrons which comprise the channel are free to move out of the channel through the depletion region if attracted to the drain by drain-to-source voltage. The depletion region is free of carriers and has a resistance similar to silicon. Any increase of the drain-to-source voltage will increase the distance from drain to the pinch-off point, increasing resistance due to the depletion region proportionally to the applied drain-to-source voltage. This proportional change causes the drain-to-source current to remain relatively fixed independent of changes to the drain-to-source voltage and quite unlike the linear mode operation. Thus in saturation mode, the FET behaves as a constant-current source rather than as a resistor and can be used most effectively as a voltage amplifier. In this case, the gate-to-source voltage determines the level of constant current through the channel.


The FET can be constructed from a number of semiconductors, silicon being by far the most common. Most FETs are made with conventional bulk semiconductor processing techniques, using the single crystal semiconductorwafer as the active region, or channel.

Among the more unusual body materials are amorphous silicon, polycrystalline silicon or other amorphous semiconductors in thin-film transistors or organic field effect transistors that are based on organic semiconductors and often apply organic gate insulators and electrode. The FETs are manufactured using variety of materials as silicon carbide(Sic),gallium arsenide(GaAs),gallium nitride(GaN),indium gallium arsenide(InGaAs). In June of 2011, IBM announced that it had successfully used graphene-based FETs in an integrated circuit.[10][11] These transistors are capable of a 100 GHz cutoff frequency, much higher than standard silicon FETs [12].

Types of field-effect transistors

Depletion-type FETs under typical voltages. JFET, poly-silicon MOSFET, double-gate MOSFET, metal-gate MOSFET, MESFET. depletion , electrons , holes , metal , insulator . Top=source, bottom=drain, left=gate, right=bulk. Voltages that lead to channel formation are not shown

The channel of a FET is doped to produce either an N-type semiconductor or a P-type semiconductor. The drain and source may be doped of opposite type to the channel, in the case of depletion mode FETs, or doped of similar type to the channel as in enhancement mode FETs. Field-effect transistors are also distinguished by the method of insulation between channel and gate. Types of FETs are:

  • CNTFET (Carbon nanotube field-effect transistor)
  • The DEPFET is a FET formed in a fully depleted substrate and acts as a sensor, amplifier and memory node at the same time. It can be used as an image (photon) sensor.
  • The DGMOSFET is a MOSFET with dual gates.
  • The DNAFET is a specialized FET that acts as a biosensor, by using a gate made of single-strand DNA molecules to detect matching DNA strands.
  • The FREDFET (Fast Reverse or Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diode FET) is a specialized FET designed to provide a very fast recovery (turn-off) of the body diode.
  • The HEMT (high electron mobility transistor), also called a HFET (heterostructure FET), can be made using bandgap engineering in a ternary semiconductor such as AlGaAs. The fully depleted wide-band-gap material forms the isolation between gate and body.
  • The IGBT (insulated-gate bipolar transistor) is a device for power control. It has a structure akin to a MOSFET coupled with a bipolar-like main conduction channel. These are commonly used for the 200-3000 V drain-to-source voltage range of operation. Power MOSFETs are still the device of choice for drain-to-source voltages of 1 to 200 V.
  • The ISFET (ion-sensitive field-effect transistor) used to measure ion concentrations in a solution; when the ion concentration (such as H+, see pH electrode) changes, the current through the transistor will change accordingly.
  • The JFET (junction field-effect transistor) uses a reverse biased p-n junction to separate the gate from the body.
  • The MESFET (Metal–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) substitutes the p-n junction of the JFET with a Schottky barrier; used in GaAs and other III-V semiconductor materials.
  • The MODFET (Modulation-Doped Field Effect Transistor) uses a quantum well structure formed by graded doping of the active region.
  • The MOSFET (Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) utilizes an insulator (typically SiO2) between the gate and the body.
    • Depletion type MOSFET

There are two n-type island on p-type substrate. Between these two n regions there is a n-channel. The two n-regions form Source and Drain terminals. Gate terminal is to insulated layer of SiO2. There is conduction without any Gate voltage.



    • Enhancement type MOSFET

Similar to Depletion type , but without n-channel. Hence for conduction there is requirement of some positive Gate voltage which attracts electrons from p-region which conducts from Source to Drain.


<[14]> [15]

  • The NOMFET is a Nanoparticle Organic Memory Field-Effect Transistor.[1]
  • The OFET is an Organic Field-Effect Transistor using an organic semiconductor in its channel.
  • The GNRFET is a Field-Effect Transistor that uses a graphene nanoribbon for its channel.
  • The VeSFET (Vertical-Slit Field-Effect Transistor) is a square-shaped junction-less FET with a narrow slit connecting the source and drain at opposite corners. Two gates occupy the other corners, and control the current through the slit. [2][3]

Advantages of FET

The main advantage of the FET is its high input resistance, on the order of 100M ohms or more. Thus, it is a voltage-controlled device, and shows a high degree of isolation between input and output. It is a unipolar device, depending only upon majority current flow. It is less noisy and is thus found in FM tuners for quiet reception. It is relatively immune to radiation. It exhibits no offset voltage at zero drain current and hence makes an excellent signal chopper. It typically has better thermal stability than a BJT.[4]

Disadvantages of FET

It has relatively low gain-bandwidth product compared to a BJT. The MOSFET has a drawback of being very susceptible to overload voltages, thus requiring special handling during installation.[16]


IGBTs see application in switching internal combustion engine ignition coils, where fast switching and voltage blocking capabilities are important.

The most commonly used FET is the MOSFET. The CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) process technology is the basis for modern digitalintegrated circuits. This process technology uses an arrangement where the (usually 'enhancement-mode') p-channel MOSFET and n-channel MOSFET are connected in series such that when one is on, the other is off.

The fragile insulating layer of the MOSFET between the gate and channel makes it vulnerable to electrostatic damage during handling. This is not usually a problem after the device has been installed in a properly designed circuit.

In FETs electrons can flow in either direction through the channel when operated in the linear mode, and the naming convention of drain terminal and source terminal is somewhat arbitrary, as the devices are typically (but not always) built symmetrically from source to drain. This makes FETs suitable for switching analog signals between paths (multiplexing). With this concept, one can construct a solid-state mixing board, for example.

A common use of the FET is as an amplifier. For example, due to its large input resistance and low output resistance, it is effective as a buffer in common-drain (source follower) configuration.

N Fet Transistor

See also

  • FET amplifier


  1. ^http://www.computerhistory.org/semiconductor/timeline/1960-MOS.html
  2. ^http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Basic_JFET.png
  3. ^http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Actual_JFET.png
  4. ^ abMillman (1985). Electronic devices and circuits. Singapore: McGraw-Hill international book company. pp. 384–385. ISBN 0-07-Y85505-6.
  5. ^C Galup-Montoro & Schneider MC (2007). MOSFET modeling for circuit analysis and design. London/Singapore: World Scientific. pp. 83. ISBN 981-256-810-7.
  6. ^Norbert R Malik (1995). Electronic circuits: analysis, simulation, and design. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. pp. 315–316. ISBN 0-02-374910-5.
  7. ^RR Spencer & Ghausi MS (2001). Microelectronic circuits. Upper Saddle River NJ: Pearson Education/Prentice-Hall. pp. 102. ISBN 0-201-36183-3.
  8. ^A. S. Sedra and K.C. Smith (2004). Microelectronic circuits (Fifth Edition ed.). New York: Oxford. pp. 552. ISBN 0-19-514251-9.
  9. ^PR Gray, PJ Hurst, SH Lewis & RG Meyer (2001). Analysis and design of analog integrated circuits (Fourth Edition ed.). New York: Wiley. pp. §1.5.2 p. 45. ISBN 0-471-32168-0.
  10. ^http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-06-ibm-graphene-based-circuit.html
  11. ^http://www.sciencemag.org/content/332/6035/1294
  12. ^http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1002/1002.3845.pdf
  13. ^ >{http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MOSFET2.jpg}<
  14. ^ >{http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MOSFET4.jpg}<
  15. ^Robert Boylestad (2004). Electronic devices and circuit theory. New Delhi: Prentice Hall India.
  16. ^Allen Mottershead (2004). Electronic devices and circuits. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India.

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Bipolar junction transistor: Common emitter • Common collector • Common base
Field-effect transistor: Common source • Common drain • Common gate
Multiple transistors: Darlington transistor • Sziklai pair • Cascode • Long-tailed pair
v·d·eElectronic components
Avalanche diode • Barretter • Darlington transistor • DIAC • Diode • Field-effect transistor (FET) • Insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) • JFET • Light-emitting diode (LED) • Memristor • MOSFET • Photodetector • PIN diode • Silicon-controlled rectifier (SCR) • Thyristor • Transistor • TRIAC • Unijunction transistor (UJT) • Zener diode
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Potentiometer • Thermostat • Variable capacitor • Varicap • Varistor • Humidistat
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Fet Field Effect Transistor

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Fet Transistor Circuits

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